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Dog Days of Summer

Independence Day has come and gone. A look outside my window shows that the corn is almost shoulder-high! The daily temperatures have been in the low 80s', and the sun seems not to want to set. Now is the time to get out and watch those bean fields and look for bucks in velvet. Pick up a fast-shooting rifle and go out and shoot some groundhogs to help the local farmer. Summer is here, and there is plenty to do before fall.

Summer Workouts

Summer is the perfect time to prepare for the fall season. It is essential to take time for outdoor activities that benefit your health. Walking daily, lifting weights, riding a bicycle, and swimming are great activities to prepare for the fall. Walking in the woods and scouting can give you an edge for the upcoming archery season. Lifting weights can help strengthen those muscles for drawing and holding your bow. Combine the two activities by attending a local or national 3D archery shoot. Ride your bike and scout those bean fields. My daughter and I enjoy doing this activity a few times a week. Cool off and do a pool workout. None of us are getting any younger, and a pool workout could be a fantastic activity to help relieve joint stress.

No matter what you choose to do, make sure you are fueling your body correctly. I found a fantastic protein powder from Fresh Field Performance and Nutrition. The company has a beautiful website that gives recipes. One of the recipes I recommend for summer is the Chocolate Banana Protein Popsicles. These tasty treats are packed with 12 g of protein and are only 78 calories. Click on the green hyperlink to see the recipe and visit the website. Use the link to order your protein powder and get 25% off your order. Use this link:

Code: KIGHTY123 for 10% off.

Also, use code: newfreshfield15% to get 25% off.

Inventory Time

Summer is the perfect time to start taking inventory of deer using your hunting property. Scouting is one of the critical keys to success in the fall, and trail cameras are an essential tool for gathering information. I am thrilled about the Flex-M from SpyPoint. I placed this camera overlooking a Buckstik on my food plot. The trigger speed is excellent, and the pictures are clear. If I want video, the camera will record in 720p with sound. Check out the quick review of the Flex-M and the footage from the camera of a young buck in velvet. The Flex-M retails for $79.99 and can be found online at or your local stores.

If you use a trail camera to inventory deer, you might want to pair it with a Buckstik. I have used Buckstik products to inventory, pattern, and hunt deer for many years. I feel that the Buckstik is an essential tool for inventory through mock scrapes. All Buckstik products have the three necessary gland lures to communicate with deer: Preorbital, Forehead, and Interdigital. The Buckstik was created to be at the perfect height for deer to use their preorbital gland to communicate.

Along with the preorbital gland, deer can use the forehead gland on the forehead strip. Lastly, the interdigital gland completes the illusion of a new deer in your hunting area. Watch the video to see how and where I set up my Buckstik. A trail camera and a Buckstik can be a dynamite setup for gathering information about the local deer herd. If you want to learn more about using glands and lures for mock scrapes, feel free to check out my book. Use the link below to find the book in paperback or as an e-book.

Helping the Farmers

Groundhogs can quickly devastate bean fields! Over the past few years, local farmers have permitted me to hunt their land for groundhogs. The farmers are grateful for the help, and it gives me a chance to practice shooting longer distances. My favorite gun to take out groundhog hunting is my Savage 17 HMR. The Savage 17 HMR is exceptionally accurate and helps me kill plenty of whistle-pigs for the farmers. Hunting groundhogs also gives me time to scout deer in the bean fields. I see this as a win/win situation for me and the farmers. If you have farmers near you who have planted bean fields, knock on the door and ask permission to help.

Food Plots

Many hunters started their food plots a few months ago, hoping for plenty of rain to keep them growing. During summer, plenty of work must be done to help your plots. Spraying the plots and cutting them if needed take up plenty of time. Killer Food Plots offers various seeds and other products to help your plot succeed. One of the products that can help your plots is called Soil Defender. Check out the video to learn about the benefits of Soil Defender and how it can benefit your investment.

The dog days of summer are busy for everyone. Make sure you take time to work out, scout, shoot your bow, and take care of those food plots. If you would like to win a copy of my ebook on Gland Lure, answer the poll question below to be entered. I will pick a winner at the end of the month. Share the blog with your friends and get them to enter to win. God Bless, and have a safe summer.

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Brian R. Kightlinger Productions 2018

Venango, Pennsylvania

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