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Smokey's Doe Interdigital Plus

Buck urine, Doe urine, Human urine—I hear people talk about them all the time. I don't use urine anymore and haven't in over a decade. The main reason I quit is that it breaks down very quickly. I spent a lot of money on urine that wasn't even natural, and I used it too fast.

So what changed my mind? I met Smokey McNicholas, owner of Smokey's Deer Lures, and he turned me on to gland lures. Since 2011, I have found that gland lures constantly beat urine. Probably the main reason I switched to gland lures is that they are all-natural. Gland lures last longer than urine; I only have to use a small amount. Lastly, it is the primary way deer communicate every day!

The three main gland lures I use are Pre Orbital, Forehead, and Buck Interdigital. I have been using these three products in a mock scrape since 2011. Over the past decade, I have killed over a dozen deer in multiple states using these three lures. There were only two years in the past decade when I didn't kill a buck in my home state of Pennsylvania.

Smokey has a plethora of unique products that I use throughout the year. A quick visit to his website will reveal tarsal gland lures, metatarsal gland lures, Wicked Wicks, Buck Drip, Doe in Heat Lure, and Rut n' Bucks Lure. Every single one of these products gets my 100% seal of approval. They all work fantastic!

If you are new to gland lures, purchase my Non-Verbal Whitetail Deer Communication book. The book describes each whitetail's gland and how it communicates. It also highlights how a hunter can use each gland lure throughout the year, especially during hunting season. I will leave a link at the bottom of this blog for anyone interested.

An incredible product is new to Smokey's arsenal this year. Recently, Smokey created Smokey's Doe Interdigital Plus. When used correctly by hunters, this product will be a game-changer!

So what is this new product?

Doe Interdigital Plus is an interdigital gland lure from a single doe mixed with 10% doe in heat. What makes that unique? You can introduce a new doe to your property that is getting ready to go into estrus. Hunters know bucks are cruising in the pre-rut and looking for a doe that might be ready to go into estrus. Smokey's Doe Interdigital Plus allows the hunter to surprise a cruising buck and bring him in for a shot. This product is brilliant.

When Should I Use This Product?

First, the hunter must use this product at the correct time. If a hunter uses this product too early, he might spook the buck he is after. The best time to use this product will be from late October until the second rut is over. Doe will cycle in and out of estrus, so it is safe to use throughout that time frame.

Strategies for the Hunter

Smokey recommends an easy way to use this product. All you need is a thumbtack and a cotton ball. Use the thumbtack to attach the cotton ball to the bottom of your boot. Apply a dropper full of the Doe Interdigital in heat to the cotton ball. Walk around your stand in a big circle, leaving a fresh trail. You are introducing a new doe to the area, and she is starting to enter estrus. Any cruising buck that catches that scent will come to investigate.

If you like using a decoy, the Doe Interdigital Plus will bring that decoy to life. Set up your decoy where you want. Next, place a few cotton balls by the hooves of the decoy. Put a few drops of the Doe Interdigital Plus on each cotton ball. Take two cotton balls and use the thumbtacks to put them on the tread of your boot. Apply a few drops of the Doe Interdigital Plus to the cotton balls and walk around your decoy. Head to your stand and wait.

Another strategy is to use Doe Interdigital Plus on a drag rag. Hunters have used drag rags for years. Apply a dropper full of the lure on the drag rag and drag it as you walk to your stand. Before climbing into your tree stand, hang the drag on a low-hanging branch. Add a few more drops of the lure to the rag. Remember that you are using an interdigital gland lure; don't hang the drag six feet in the air.

Lastly, you can use the Doe Interdigital Plus in your mock scrapes. A doe entering estrus will visit mock scrapes and wait for bucks to arrive. A hunter can spice up their mock scrape to make a buck think a doe is waiting for him. It is that simple!

Doe Interdigital Plus Success

Watch the video of my Ohio hunt from 2022. The buck followed the scent I put on my boots' bottom. The buck worked the scent like a tracking dog looking for the doe he thought was in estrus. I had similar results in 2023 when I used my decoy with the Smokey's Doe Interdigital plus. This is a must-have for the seeking phase of the rut.

If this blog has piqued your interest in gland lures, feel free to check out Smokey's website. I placed the link to my book at the bottom of this blog. Feel free to contact me with questions about Smokey's products. I love talking with other hunters about any hunting-related topic.

Link to my book:

Link to Doe Interdigital Gland Lure:

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Brian R. Kightlinger Productions 2018

Venango, Pennsylvania

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