Think Spring!!!!
The calendar says May but the weather has made it feel more like November. Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind on which season it is. Over the past few weeks, I have seen 80-degree temperatures followed by inches of snow the next day. In Northwest Pennsylvania, I can't remember the last time we had a dry week where it didn't rain. The weather has made it difficult to get things started for food plots or even cleaning up in the woods but I know that is just around the corner. So what have we been doing at Left In The Field Outdoors?
Deer Scoring Events
Throughout the spring months, I have been extremely busy scoring deer for successful hunters. I set a goal for myself this year and that goal was to score 50 bucks before the July NBBC Banquet. I am happy to announce that I have already passed that goal. There have been some amazing bucks measured and placed in the books from Pennsylvania and Ohio. I am hopeful to have a few more scoring events before July and maybe reach 100 bucks scored. Watch the video below and head to the Youtube page to see more. If you are looking to have a deer scored, please feel free to reach out to me. I score for the Northeast Big Buck Club, PA Big Game Records, BuckMasters, and Northwest Pennsylvania Monster Buck Club.
NBBC Link:
PA Big Game Records Link:
BuckMasters link:
Northwest Pennsylvania Monster Buck Club Link:
Mock Scrapes
Even though the weather has been wet, I set up my mock scrapes already. I have my Spypoint trail cameras watching the scrapes and I am waiting to pull the cards to see the videos. The bucks are starting to show their velvet growth and it won't be long until the growth explodes. Using mock scrapes and cameras I can take an accurate census of the deer that use my property. I have had tons of success using Buckstik products and my own Hanging Vines. I rely on Smokey's Deer Lures to keep the deer coming back to the scrapes. Monitoring the scrapes year-round tips the odds in my favor come hunting season. If you want to learn more about Mock Scrapes, feel free to check out my book, Non-Verbal Whitetail Deer Communication: The Power of Gland Lure.
Turkey Season
Prior to the start of the Pennsylvania Spring Turkey Season, I spent time patterning my two new shotguns. Last year I won a Mossberg SA-20 gauge after turkey season. I purchased a turkey choke tube for it and wanted to make sure the gun patterned well with the Browning TSS in 7 shot. I was extremely impressed with the pattern at 25 yards for this gun. The majority of the pellets were in the kill zone for a turkey. AS impressed with this gun as I was, it still isn't the gun I am taking out for turkey season. My gun of choice for this year is a Mossberg SA-410 in Bottomlands Camo. This gun is topped with a Vortex Crossfire red dot scope and is lights out. Using the factory choke and Federal TSS in 9 shot I saw amazing results out of this gun. The SA-410 is light to carry, shoulders great, and the recoil is nothing. I can't wait to see what it can do on a longbeard.
MDOWA and POWA Conferences
Every year I look forward to the MDOWA and POWA conferences. This year both of the conferences fall in May. MDOWA is holding its conference on the weekend of May 5-8 at RodNReel Resort in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. The members of MDOWA are going to be busy attending fantastic events each day. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend this year because of a prior commitment but the event looks like it will be a blast. The POWA conference is taking place at Mansfield University on May 18-21. The members of the POWA have a full schedule of activities planned for their members. Luckily, I will be able to attend this conference on Saturday for the events and awards banquet. I am looking forward to seeing all the members of the POWA.
If you are interested in becoming involved with two amazing organizations check out the MDOWA and the POWA for detail. If you write, blog, do photography, create artwork, and love the outdoors these groups may be for you. I would love to sponsor anyone who is looking to join either of these organizations.
3D Archery Shoots
A wonderful way to prepare for the fall archery season is to find local archery shoots and take your friends. There are plenty of clubs that set 3D courses that challenge your skills. Whether you shoot for competition or just for fun 3D archery can help you prepare mentally and physically for deer season. The IBO and ASA host events monthly and these shoots are a blast. If you live in Northwest Pennsylvania there are clubs that entertain archers weekly. Here is a list of some wonderful shoots going on this year.
