Love This Stuff
Now that 2019 is over and 2020 has begun I want to take a minute and go over some products that I used during the season. I am still looking to punch my buck tag during the 2nd Pennsylvania archery season and I am still using all of these product in my quest. Maybe you have heard of some of these products and are interested in some feedback or you have never heard of them at all. Let me take some time to share with you some of these amazing products.
Rocky Venator Camo

The biggest change for me this year was with my camo. This year I chose to wear Rocky Venator camo. The minute I saw the pattern I was convinced that it would be a great fit for me. This pattern is great for breaking up my silhouette and matching my surroundings during the year. Rocky offers some great gear for early season, late season, and during those rainy hunts. They also offer many other matching articles: sweatshirts, hoodies, vests, gloves, hats and even boots in the venator pattern. I highly recommend the Rocky Stratum 2 Layer Jacket and matching pants. The material is quiet, comfortable, and warm. The Stratum line has the Rocky Scent IQ Atomic system. This system destroys human scent at the microbial level. The Stratum line also is built to wick away moisture and keep you dry with a durable water repellent. I have been more than happy with the performance of all my Rocky gear. Feel free to check out the Stratum Line at:
Grim Reaper Broadheads

For over 15 years I have been using Grim Reaper Broadheads. I love the wide variety of broadheads they make and how they perform. I have yet to have one let me down! This year I used a new head from Grim Reaper called the, Whitetail Extreme 4 Blade. This broadhead is nasty and works flawlessly. Made in 100 and 125 grain with two blades that are 2 inches and two other blades that are each 1 1/2 inches, this broadhead is devastating. I killed a large fallow deer with one of these heads and the fallow buck only went 40 yards. The hole left by this broadhead was one of the largest I have seen. A four pack of heads includes one practice head you can use to check how accurately the broadheads fly. These tips are razor sharp and do a number on any game. You can even use these head with a crossbow. You can get a look at these heads at:
WyndScent Technology

The WyndScent Electronic Scent Vaporizer 2.0 system is really amazing. This rechargeable 2.0 unit has a battery life of up to 40 hours. It allows you to use any scent that WyndScent makes and have it dispersed either every minute or every 3 minutes. You can control the vaporizer from your stand or blind with the remote that comes with the unit. The remote will work from up to 30 yards away. The vaporizer heats up the scent to make it stronger and travel further. There are close to 20 different scents for the 2.0 vaporizer unit. I love the Conquest Evercalm scent and use it all season. One cartridge can last up to 120 hours on the 3 minute mode. I still have half a cartridge left from hunting this year. The reason I use the Evercalm scent is to help the deer relax when they come near. I am going to look into a few other scents for next season but as for now I have been extremely happy with this product. Deer come in close and are relaxed when they are in the kill zone! There are also plenty of accessories to use with the WyndScent Vaporizer 2.0. You can check out more at:
HHA Virtus Fall Away Rest

I have been using HHA single pin sites for years and love their durability and easy set up. Recently, HHA created a fall away rest that I thought looked like a winner. I decided to put a Virtus rest on my Mathews Vertix and I was glad I did. Fall away rests are fairly simple to set up, time, and tune. This is true for the Virtus! In a matter of minutes I had the rest on my bow and shooting bullet holes through paper. After a little more tuning the rest was performing flawlessly. What I really like about the Virtus rest is the location of the thumb lever. The lever is centrally located for easy use for your thumb. The Virtus rest allows your arrow to be fully contained, has a full draw indicator, and can be set up with the Gator Clip ir served into the string. This rest is quiet and easy to adjust when needed. I love this rest! Check it out at:
Ethics Archery Products

One of the things I like to do is build my own arrows. I like to match up my arrow for the game I am after and the bow I am shooting. It is fun to play around with different products to find the best consistency. This year I found a company out of North Carolina that is owned by a Veteran. All of the products are made from US products and assembled in North Carolina. Ethics Archery is an arrow builders dream. Whether you are shooting 3D, field rounds, spots or building arrows for your next hunt, you need to check out all the options at Ethics Archery. I fitted my Black Eagle Spartan Arrows with the Ethic Archery Spinning inserts this year. Wow, I was impressed with what they did for my arrows. So what do spinning inserts do to your arrow? Here is what a spinning insert does:
* Better Accuracy
* Greater Arrow Spin Rate
* Faster Down Range Speed
* Greater Penetration
These are just a few of the reason I used the spinning inserts this year. When the moment of truth came on my Gold Medal Class Fallow Deer my arrow did not let me down. My arrow flew true, hit hard, and penetrated deep. The fallow did not go more that 40 yards. Check out all the arrow accessories at:
GloryNock Crossbow Bolts

My kids love to hunt with their crossbows. In the past they have used some lighted nocks that were not 100% reliable or easy to turn off. This year GloryNock brought out their crossbow lighted nocks. The nocks come in two sizes to fit bolts that are .300 or .297 inside diameter and they are also available in crescent or flat. These lighted nocks are wonderful to use. They are durable, bright, and are super easy to turn off. Both of my kids killed bucks this year and easily watched their bolt hit the mark. Both kids said the GloryNocks were bright, easy to see, and allowed them to know they made a lethal shot. Both nocks were cleaned after being used, tested, and they are ready to be used again. GloryNock made these nocks available in 2 colors: Green or Red. My daughter likes the red ones and my son likes the green. I was just happy to see how user friendly they are for kids to use. If you are a crossbow hunter check these nocks out at:
Those are a handful of new products I used in 2019. Each of them will be used again in 2020 since they worked so well. Feel free to check out all of the links for each of the products for yourself. Here is to happy hunting in 2020.