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To Be A Father!!!

I love being a father! It is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. Being a father is important so you can show your children what life is all about, help them learn to solve problems, and be their #1 hero.

I introduced my children to hunting when they were young. My son Samuel was 3 years old when I first took him out on a turkey hunt. He sat anxiously on my lap as I called to a lone gobbler. Samuel wasn't hunting but he was helping me call birds for Riley Smith. I was mentoring Riley and taking him hunting on the Pennsylvania Mentor Hunting Day.

The gobbled loved the putts and purrs and he closed the distance to 15 yards. Riley made an excellent shot and the bird was down. Samuel had a huge smile on his face and he thought hunting was pretty cool.

Samuel had lots of success when he started hunting. He killed a doe, a buck, and a turkey during his first full season. He was 8 years old! Abigail, my daughter, did not have such luck. She hunted hard but never got the chance to harvest an animals.

Abigail's luck has since changed and she has now killed a few doe, a few buck, and recently she killed her first turkey. I love spending time in the outdoors with my kids and creating special memories.

To me, being a father is a serious job! I want to be there for my kids and share the adventures. I want to instill Christian values into their daily lives as they walk with Christ. I pray that my children can carry on the hunting tradition as they get older and more activities pull them in multiple directions.

Teach your kids to hunt so you don't have to hunt for your kids.

Enjoy the video hunts from the kids.....

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